Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Creative Opinions

This evening I will be attending a fine art photo portfolio review at Calumet on 22nd Street in NYC at 7 pm. In the past, I have presented my photo fine art concept, The Museum of Messages, to many other creative professionals at other reviews and gotten excellent feedback. This has allowed me to expand my ideas further. 
If you are new to this blog, I'd like to introduce the The Museum of Messages to you. In brief, since 2006, I have been diligently photographing messages that people write in the public domain about love, the environment, politics, humor, loyalty and more. After I shoot them, I return to my studio, download the messages, clean them up in Adobe Photoshop and post them to my online gallery. The reason I think this is important to do is because the messages don't have a very long life span because city cleaning crews paint over or wash away these words so I think it is important to document these visual voices for others to think about, learn and enjoy.
By profession I am a Marketing Designer that takes Professional Photographs. The way I have expanded my concept is by photographing fashion accessories with a message that I have found on the street, in my studio with my Hasselblad H3DII camera, and then in post production, I create a marketing piece to help one promote their products. If you'd like to see some examples, you may at
I am looking forward to getting feedback tonight. Your thoughts and opinions are welcome.

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