Thursday, March 11, 2010

Helena V. Social Network Portals

Since I started my commercial photo business in 2008 I've been thinking of the best way to brand my photo and design services. The reason it has been quite a task is because I have a very long last name.

Last week, I met with a fabulous photographer in NYC, Michel Tcherevkoff , in his studio. He suggested that I market myself as Helena V. I immediately thought, "that is brilliant"!

So now I am
Helena V.

I have built a Twitter and Facebook Fan Page for my new brand name.

Please join me on my new adventure. Below are links so you may connect:




Cindy said...

Loving Helena V!!
Sounds so mysterious. I think it sounds great.

Helena V. Studio said...

Yay! =)

Angela Burman said...

I think this is such a brilliant idea Helena. Looks very now!!! I hope it brings you every success. You so deserve it my friend.