Last week I designed a mailer to send out to prospects. The art is above. I'm waiting to get my order back from the printer and then I will send them out. Do you like the design? I do. I think it turned out nicely.
I thought to submit some of my lifestyle photos to Getty Images this week. Above is one of the photos I sent them. Makes me want to hit the slopes this winter.
So you've seen plenty of my photographs. I thought because my photo company offers design services too that I should share my design website with you. If you click on the link above you will see a graphic to my design portfolios. Click on this graphic to view my visual aesthetic.
Helena V. Studio, based in Pound Ridge, NY, specializes in fine art photography.
Helena V. is diligently working on a photo project titled The Museum of Messages. In brief, these photographs are images of messages that people have written or designed in landscapes, mostly urban, about the environment, love politics, humor, loyalty and freedom of
self expression.